Thursday 1 April 2010

Veľká Noc

Prajeme Vám Všetkým pokojne prežitú Veľkú Noc, dievčatám veľa vody
( a voňavky )- viem, že väčšina z nás to neobľubuje ale je to tradícia a tie treba zachovať aj pre dalšie generácie :-)
a chlapcom veľa zaslúžených vajíčok alebo štamperlikov...

Tu kde žijeme sa tradícia Veľkej Noci už skoro úplne to škoda.
Je to tu navonok a možno aj vo vnútri o čokoláde, alkohole
a z ( pre nás )neznámych dôvodov aj o dávaní darčekov...Ako druhé Vianoce...

A aj preto sú tie naše tradície tak dôležité...

Už sa teším na pondelok...(ešteže môj polievač je iba jeden :-)) )

Happiest Easter Everybody !
Peaceful days with your nearest and dearest !

Where we come from Easter used to be more about tradition than chocolate.
Some of the " funnier " things that we do include boys/teenagers/fathers/brothers/neighbours and/or total strangers pouring water ( from hands/cups/mugs/syringes/buckets/hoses...)
on girls/mums/girlfriends/sisters/neighbours and/or total strangers...
Older ladies have the "advantage" of not being soaked in H2O but
in many different kinds of cheap and thus very smelly perfume.
In addition to total drenching females of the species are also being
whipped by( sometimes ) very joyfully decorated weeping willow's branches...

All in the name of Beauty and Health.

What boys get in return is ( depending on age group ) either chocolate egg or
small/or large glass of "l'eau de vie"...

It is very important to keep traditions alive.
Somewhere it seems that Easter has already transformed into
"2nd Christmas"kind of thing.
We are encouraged to buy (one get one free), to eat,to drink...
but never to think about what Easter IS about...

I am already looking forward to my water wake up call ;-)))
( luckily only one man knows about this tradition where I live now)

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