Wednesday 23 March 2011

Ty Capel, Wales

Je to síce už chvíľa odkedy sme tam strávili čarovných zopár dní,
ale ten pocit čo sme tam mali v duši stále pretrváva...

Pri online rezervácii Ty Capel-u, musím sa priznať,
som mala kúsok obavy,
je to predsa len jedna veľmi stará kaplnka - škola,
maximálne izolovaná v Snowdonia Národnom Parku,
najbližšou usadlosťou je už takmer sto rokov opustená,
černicami a malinami porastená,
a iba duchom čias minulých obývaná
banícka osada Rhiwddolion...

Zistila som však zasa raz, že je to práve to
Ticho, Tma a Totálna Izolácia od moderných Hommo Sapiens
čo mojej Duši dáva možnosť sa na/od - dýchnuť...

Všimnite si napríklad obraz deduška s ( možno ) vnučkou...
Tá deduškovi doniesla tabačik a teraz s láskou pozoruje
ako si deduško bafká...
Nie som síce zástancom fajčenia, to nie,
Ale som priateľom Slobody prejavu, konania a snívania...

P.S. Ty Capel sme si zarezervovali cez
Pozrite sa aj vy, dovolenkovať v historických budovách je predsa tak romantické...

It has been a couple of days ( weeks really ) since
we had a holiday there,
but the ' caressing ' feeling inside still remains...

I was a bit worried, I have to admit,
when I booked us this place online...
It is afterall a very old chapel - school,
totally isolated in the heart of Snowdonia National Park,
the nearest settlement being
totally overgrown with bushes of wildberries
almost a century ago forsaken mining hamlet of

I have discovered ( once again ) however,
that it is The Utter Solitude from modern day Homo Sapiens
that provides my soul with the essential nourriture...

Have a closer look at the painting for instance...
Grandpa enjoying a pipe
after his granddaughter brought him more tabacco...
Where in todays world, with its rules and regulations,
is smoking shamelessly being enjoyed like this...

I am not an advocate of smoking, that is not my point,
I am a Defender of Freedom ( of action/believes/dreaming ) however...

P.S. We have booked Ty Capel through
an organisation that brings historical buildings back to life.
Have an inspirational look yourselves,
it is so romantic after all to holiday in a place from the past,
where men were Gentle-men and women their Princesses...

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Back Home

Už som doma...
Chválabohu iba trocha šoknutá, ale ináč v poriadku

Súčasnú situáciu v Japonsku pre mňa dnes vystihuje
aj táto fotografia...

Hoci je v meste tma, temnota, čierňava
na horizonte je slnko...

...aj súmrak je časom krásy, nádeje, nového dňa

Back Home...
Thanks to God only a bit shell-shocked,
but otherwise alright

This picture very much reminds me of the situation out there now...

City engulfed by night, darkness and gloom
but the Sun on the horizont
still manages to convey the sensation of
beauty, tomorrow and hope...

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Happy Birthday Hippie Hugs

Verte,či nie ale je to už ROK odkedy sa narodil náš Hippinko...
Dnes oslavujeme jeho prvé narodeninky...
Náš maličký, milučký, ušatučký, zvedavý
a vždy hladný Hippie
Už je z neho dlhočizný, stále rovnako ušatý a hladný a zvedavý
kdekoľvek sa objaví úsmev vyvolávajúci
vernosti a láske nás učiaci
priateľ Navždy...

P.S. Jeho ( znova ) Narodenie budeme ale oslavovať
Aj 25. Februára....
Mal totiž "maličký " úraz...
Spadol z približne výšky 3tieho poschodia
ale priamo do rúk jeho
Anjelika Strážneho... Ďakujeme...

Tak Všetko len to Najlepšie Hippinko Náš.......

Believe it or not, it has been a YEAR since our Hippie was born...
We are celebrating his First Birthday today !
Our cute, little, long eared, always hungry
a bit foolish and not always obedient
Hippie has grown ... or extended his body
horizontally especially ;-)
He is still the same old daft little puppy,
careless of any dangers and following strangers happily
who is teaching us
the meaning of Love everyday
and who has become
our Friend for Life...

P.S. We have celebrated his Re- Birth
on the 25th of February too...
He had a " bit " of an accident...
He slipped and fell from an equivalent of 3rd floor
straight into the arms of his very own
Guardian Angel...
It was a miracle... and we will never
stop feeling grateful for it...

Well, Happiest Of Birthdays to You, Hippie Hugs...