Saturday 8 May 2010

Hippie Mistletoe Hugs

Predstavujeme Vám dalšieho člena Vaňo Oniščenkového klanu
Hipiieho Hugs-a.
Hippie je jeho meno a Hugs priezvisko po mamke.
Však je krásny...
Narodil sa 2.Marca 2010 a k nám ho " bocian " priniesol presne pred
21 hodinami
a 7 minútami a 13 sekundami...;-)

Hip Hippie Hurá !

Let us introduce you all to a new member of our family, our Hippie Hugs.
Hippie is his first name and Hugs his surname
(after his mum "Mistletoe Hugs").
Isn't he adorable...
Hippie was born on 2.March 2010 a he came to us
( the stork brought him, of course )
exactly 21 hours 9 minutes and 13 seconds ago... ;-)

Hip Hippie Hurrah !


  1. Oh he's soooo cute. And with the name even more. I'm sure this little guy will add lot's of fun and (certainly) trouble to your life.

  2. Thanks Melanie ;-)))
    Yeah, he already does...lot of extra work, BUT lot of extra LOVE as well.
    And you are never alone with Hippie
    P.S.On his collar it says : " Peace and Love " in true hippie spirit
