Tuesday 19 October 2010

Canada - Part 1

Práve sme sa vrátili z našej druhej svadobnej cesty
( to len my tak voláme,
lebo ja som od malička chcela ísť na svadobnú cestu do Kanady )

Bolo tak dobre...
Dávno sme sa necítili takto spokojne a šťastne...
(jediné negatívum je že Hippinko musel zostať domka)
Ale to nie je vina Kanady

Celé dobrodružstvo začalo na Niagarských vodopádoch...
Neuveríte ale Jožko ich po prvýkrát zbadal
cez okno mužských záchodov...
Hneď po mňa pribehol a
potom sme už len spolu stáli na špičkách
a pozerali na ten zázrak prírody
cez špinavé záchodové okno
a smiali sa nad absurdnosťou tejto situácie...

P.S. Pre Jožka mal tento výlet ešte aj iný rozmer...
Po asi 17 rokoch zasa stretol svojho bratranca Paľa ( a jeho Petru tiež )
To bolo radosti...
P.S2. jedli sme v ten deň v tzv.Swiss chalet - McDonald severu,
ktorý síce nemá so Švajčiarskom nič spoločné, ale chutiť to nám chutilo.

We have just returned from our second honeymoon in Canada
( we called it honeymoon,
because I have always wanted to go to Canada for mine )

It was amazing....
We didn't feel this good and happy for a VERY long time
( the only drawback being that we had to leave Hippie behind @ home )
But I guess, we can't blame that on Canada ;-)

The whole adventure started at Niagara Falls...
Believe it or not, Jozko first saw them ( yes, the Falls )
through the window of a male toilet...!
He immediately ran to get me
and there we were,
inside the toilets,
standing on our tiptoes to get a better view,
looking through a grubby grey window,
watching this amazing creation of Nature
and laughing at the absurdity of the situation...

P.S. This trip had another important dimension for Jozko too.
After approximately 17 years he got to see
his long time no see cousin Palo
( and we got to meet his Petra too ;-)
P.S2.We ate at the Swiss chalet restaurant that day.
It is kind of a MacDonald of the North
and despite having nothing in common with Switzerland
the food was lovely and there were smiles everywhere...

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