Friday 29 January 2010

The importance of Smell

Raňajky ako Kráľovná, obed , večera ...uvidíme

Dobré ránko Vám všetkým ! Dnes som sa zobudila s chuťou na niečo voňavé, niečo teplé a niečo jablkovo palacinkové...hmmmm. Uhádnete, čo?
Všetko to začalo vôňou. Vyprevadila som Jožka do práce a prišla do kuchyne. A tam nenormálne voňala klobása od jedného veľmi šikovného starkého ;-). Teda voňala Jožkovi a ja som žalúdkom hneď začala rozmýšlať čím ju prekryť.

A už sa to varí = pečie...a vonia. Jablkovo - palacinkovo...a slovensko maslovo a ŠKORICOVO. O minútku je to hotové, tak ja utekám....

"Co takhle dát si....." lalalalalala... niečo fajné...
Dobrú chuť Vám !

Breakfast Like a Queen, lunch and dinner....let's think about that later

Good Morning Everybody ! Today, I woke up with a desperate "need " for something warm, something smelling wonderfully, simply something 'applepancakecinammonish'...Very particular word for a very particular taste...Hmmmmmmmmm

It all started with a smell. A very strong smell of a...Sausage. Home - made, from the beginning till the end ( if you know what I mean ;-) ), lovingly by one very gifted grandpa. My husband took it to work for lunch, together with bread and mustard (not very British, I know).
Well, for you all meat lovers, this idea maybe sounds nice. However, for me, My first though was, how to get the smell out of the kitchen, without letting the cold in.

And Here is the result ! My Breakfast !

We have (well, the Czechs have ;-)) a song which goes something like.....
"How about having some Spinach ...? - I know, very boring ;-)
but I changed the lyrics slightly to...

"How about having something YUMMIE !"

Bon Appetit !

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Most important Things in Life Aren't Things

Priatelom mojim...

Prvy ozajstny prispevok venujem prave Vam...
Ako som napisala v titulke, tie najdolezitejsie veci v zivote nie su Veci...ale to my vsetci predsa vieme. A prave preto su vztahy medzi nami tak neobycajne obycajne, tak silne, tak ozajstne...

Bez Vas by som nebola cim som...bez rodicov by som nebola.

Tak Vam chcem aj takto zakricat nech cely svet pocuje, ze Vas Velmi Lubim a uz sa tesim kedy Vas najblizsie zasa "nazivo" vyobjimam a budeme len tak spolu sediet a pocuvat sa navzajom a fukat si svoje bolacky a tesit sa zo svojich uspechov a radosti a popijat caj alebo vinko alebo Huberta a mat pokoj na dusicke lebo sme spolu a nie od seba...

tak krasny Januarovy dnik vam prajem a myslim na Vas Priatelia!
Vyhlasujem tento den za " Medzinarodny den priatelov " !

To all my Friends...

My first real post is dedicated to You...
As I said in the title, "the most important Things in Life aren't Things "... but we all know that already, don't we...?And perhaps because of that relationships between us are so real and magical at the same time...

Without You I wouldn't be the person I am ...Without my parents I wouldn't Be

So today, I wanted to let you know (and the whole wide world too) how much You mean to me and How much I love You all. I am already looking forward to the moment I'll see you again and will be able to hug you realistically and not just virtually...

So have a beautiful January day! I dedicated it to you! 26th January = The Friends Day !