Monday 24 May 2010

Flower Power II

Zavítalo k Nám leto !!! Posledných pár týždňov inak upršaný a sivastý a zafúkaný Leicester láme všetky dostupné teplotné rekordy...
... posledný víkend sme vraj dokonca horúčavami prekonali aj Rím a Nice...
akurát Madrid nás predbehol o pol stupňa...

Je to proste Paráda !

Summer has arrived !!! During the past few weeks otherwise grey and rainy and slightly depressing Leicester has undergone a major transformation into
a top seaside resort ... ( minus the sea of course )
According to a very reputable source, last weekend we even managed to beat Rome and Nice temperature wise
( not amount of tourists wise ;-) luckily )
Only Madrid was hotter...

Unbelievable and utterly fabulous !

Saturday 8 May 2010

Hippie Mistletoe Hugs

Predstavujeme Vám dalšieho člena Vaňo Oniščenkového klanu
Hipiieho Hugs-a.
Hippie je jeho meno a Hugs priezvisko po mamke.
Však je krásny...
Narodil sa 2.Marca 2010 a k nám ho " bocian " priniesol presne pred
21 hodinami
a 7 minútami a 13 sekundami...;-)

Hip Hippie Hurá !

Let us introduce you all to a new member of our family, our Hippie Hugs.
Hippie is his first name and Hugs his surname
(after his mum "Mistletoe Hugs").
Isn't he adorable...
Hippie was born on 2.March 2010 a he came to us
( the stork brought him, of course )
exactly 21 hours 9 minutes and 13 seconds ago... ;-)

Hip Hippie Hurrah !