Sunday 8 May 2011

Můj pes...

... má Duši, 4 Nohy Ocas a Uši,
chlupaté Tělo,
krásné chytré ale tvrdohlavé Čelo...
...Jí jenom Maso a Kosti,
Kouše debilní Hosti,
jinak se chová vhodně
a Já ho MILUJI hodně...

Verili by ste, že je to už ROK
čo k nám "bocian "priniesol nášho Hippinka...
Kliknite na linku a spievajte s Nami...
Nohavica Nášho Hippinka
perfektne vystihol, Však ?

J. Nohavica Můj Pes

My dog...

There is a song by a Czech "Bard"
called Jarek Nohavica...
It was written about our Hippie...
It is however, so meticulously appropriate
And above all funny
in Czech
that I don't even dare to try ;-) translating it

I am a bit sad, though, that You,
the English Speakers
cannot fully enjoy it with Us...

There is one sentence in English,
the very last sentence of the Song, though

...My Dog is a Dog Number ONE , Yeah...

Which pretty much sums it up All for You ;-)

P.S. By the way, if you are asking what Is the Occasion,
it has been a YEAR since Hippie came to live with Us.

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