Wednesday 10 February 2010

Chlieb náš každodenný, alebo Proof of the Pudding is...

Môj Prvý Podomácky Urobený Chlebík ! Ja viem, pre tých čo ma poznáte asi šokujúce...Aj pre Mňa. Inšpirovala som sa svojou dobrou priateľkou Magdou, ktorá vždy využíva svoj voľný čas zmysluplne...Aj ja som chcela urobiť niečo, čo by dodalo mojim dlhým dňom, ktoré trávim doma sama, zmysel, dôvod, vôňu, chuť... a podarilo sa ! Neuveríte, ale taká "obyčajná "vec ako upečenie si vlastného chleba mi dalo na chvíľu veľmiintenzívny pocit, že žijem, že som žena, že niečo dokážem...a to prekvapenie v Jožkových očiach tiež stálo za to...

Staré babky by povedali dačo v zmysle : "Nieto lepšej Medicíny ako fyzická práca..."
Asi na tom niečo bude...

My very first home made real Slovakian bread ! I know, for those of you, who know me, perhaps a shocking revelation...Believe me, I am shocked too ;-).
I was inspired by my very good friend Lena, who seems to be always doing something meaningful with her time...I am very bad at that, I have to admit, because I am best at doing "things" that are more out of this world than down to earth (i.e.dreaming, reading, just generally living in a unreal world...).

But this time I did something different ! It gave my day the almost lost feeling of being here&now, being a real woman, being able to create visible things... and of course the surprise in my husband's eyes was also worth the "trouble"...

Where I come from, the old grandmas say something like : "There isn't a better Medicine for any ailment than an honest day of physical work..."
I am starting to believe, that there is truth hidden in those lines...

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