Saturday 13 February 2010

Valentine's Day and Yoga

Trošku predčasne Vám Všetkým prajeme krásneho Valentínka, plného lásky a teplého pocitu pri srdiečku a v brušku ( kde sa aspoň nám ženám koncentrujú emócie )...

My s Jožkom sme Valentína oslávili už včera... Jógou...
Prvý krát v živote a hneď aj " hard core " Bikram Jógou...
Bola to ale paráda, vypotili sme všetky toxické látky a aj všetky jedovaté myšlienky a na chvíľu sa cítili ako novonarodeniatka...
( t.j. červení ako raci, spotení ako myši a hladní a smädní ako vlci a hlavne myseľ ako tabula rasa...)

Relaxujte...a verte v lásku priatelia...

Dear Friends...( a little bit earlier ) we want to wish You ALL the loveliest Valentine's Day ,
full of loving and warm feelings
in your hearts and stomach
(where we , the ladies , feel the emotions most perhaps...)

We celebrated our Valentine's Day already yesterday, with Yoga...
And not any yoga, but the very " hard core " variety,
Bikram Yoga ,
where in addition to stretching your body to unbelievable distances,
you do it all in a heated room...

It was great ! We sweated out all the toxic substances from our bodies
all the poisonous thoughts from our minds and for a short little while
felt like newborns once again...
( and sweaty and hungry and thirsty and
our minds like 'tabula rasa' ...)

So relax dear friends and Love

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