Saturday 20 February 2010

Flower Power

Prvé tohoročné kvietky z našej záhradky...

The very first flowers this year from our garden...

Viva Slovakia ! ;-)

Chcem sa s Vami podeliť o niečo krásne...
Už niekoľko dní, každý deň aspoň chvíľku, trávim čas aj ííkaním a áahkaním
a júuj to je pekné-kaním

( len si kliknite, nebojte sa...a vytešujte sa so mnou )

I would like to share something with you today...something beautiful
I have been spending time there, every day a little moment at least, doing nothing but
Aaaaahhhhh, Waaaw, Ohhhh ....that's beautiful kind of sounds
Have a look yourselves

I know it is in Slovak, but you don't need to understand words,
when art is the matter, do you?
They are all handmade, original , usually only 1 of a kind exists creations...

I hope you enjoy it !

Saturday 13 February 2010

Valentine's Day and Yoga

Trošku predčasne Vám Všetkým prajeme krásneho Valentínka, plného lásky a teplého pocitu pri srdiečku a v brušku ( kde sa aspoň nám ženám koncentrujú emócie )...

My s Jožkom sme Valentína oslávili už včera... Jógou...
Prvý krát v živote a hneď aj " hard core " Bikram Jógou...
Bola to ale paráda, vypotili sme všetky toxické látky a aj všetky jedovaté myšlienky a na chvíľu sa cítili ako novonarodeniatka...
( t.j. červení ako raci, spotení ako myši a hladní a smädní ako vlci a hlavne myseľ ako tabula rasa...)

Relaxujte...a verte v lásku priatelia...

Dear Friends...( a little bit earlier ) we want to wish You ALL the loveliest Valentine's Day ,
full of loving and warm feelings
in your hearts and stomach
(where we , the ladies , feel the emotions most perhaps...)

We celebrated our Valentine's Day already yesterday, with Yoga...
And not any yoga, but the very " hard core " variety,
Bikram Yoga ,
where in addition to stretching your body to unbelievable distances,
you do it all in a heated room...

It was great ! We sweated out all the toxic substances from our bodies
all the poisonous thoughts from our minds and for a short little while
felt like newborns once again...
( and sweaty and hungry and thirsty and
our minds like 'tabula rasa' ...)

So relax dear friends and Love

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Chlieb náš každodenný, alebo Proof of the Pudding is...

Môj Prvý Podomácky Urobený Chlebík ! Ja viem, pre tých čo ma poznáte asi šokujúce...Aj pre Mňa. Inšpirovala som sa svojou dobrou priateľkou Magdou, ktorá vždy využíva svoj voľný čas zmysluplne...Aj ja som chcela urobiť niečo, čo by dodalo mojim dlhým dňom, ktoré trávim doma sama, zmysel, dôvod, vôňu, chuť... a podarilo sa ! Neuveríte, ale taká "obyčajná "vec ako upečenie si vlastného chleba mi dalo na chvíľu veľmiintenzívny pocit, že žijem, že som žena, že niečo dokážem...a to prekvapenie v Jožkových očiach tiež stálo za to...

Staré babky by povedali dačo v zmysle : "Nieto lepšej Medicíny ako fyzická práca..."
Asi na tom niečo bude...

My very first home made real Slovakian bread ! I know, for those of you, who know me, perhaps a shocking revelation...Believe me, I am shocked too ;-).
I was inspired by my very good friend Lena, who seems to be always doing something meaningful with her time...I am very bad at that, I have to admit, because I am best at doing "things" that are more out of this world than down to earth (i.e.dreaming, reading, just generally living in a unreal world...).

But this time I did something different ! It gave my day the almost lost feeling of being here&now, being a real woman, being able to create visible things... and of course the surprise in my husband's eyes was also worth the "trouble"...

Where I come from, the old grandmas say something like : "There isn't a better Medicine for any ailment than an honest day of physical work..."
I am starting to believe, that there is truth hidden in those lines...

Monday 1 February 2010

Dreams DO come True

Dnes je Pampúšikov Veľký Deň !
Prvý Dník v novej Vysnívanej Robotke !
Všetkým Vám čo robíte dnes prvý krok k dosiahnutiu svojich cieľov a Snov ,
a hlavne Tebe Pampúšik môj,
držíme silno presilno palce a vieme, že to zvládneš - zvládnete najlepšie ako sa len dá...

Pampúšik ľúbime Ťa a cez éter posielame obrovský Hug.

Today is a very special Day !
First Day at work for our very specially close friend Pampushik !
Her dream of this job is just in its very first steps...but already happenning

For all of You Out there, doing your very first steps today,
whether they be literally walking steps or working climbs or...

all the bestest Best and May all go as dreamt...

...because Dreams can and shall and do come TRUE