Wednesday 2 March 2011

Happy Birthday Hippie Hugs

Verte,či nie ale je to už ROK odkedy sa narodil náš Hippinko...
Dnes oslavujeme jeho prvé narodeninky...
Náš maličký, milučký, ušatučký, zvedavý
a vždy hladný Hippie
Už je z neho dlhočizný, stále rovnako ušatý a hladný a zvedavý
kdekoľvek sa objaví úsmev vyvolávajúci
vernosti a láske nás učiaci
priateľ Navždy...

P.S. Jeho ( znova ) Narodenie budeme ale oslavovať
Aj 25. Februára....
Mal totiž "maličký " úraz...
Spadol z približne výšky 3tieho poschodia
ale priamo do rúk jeho
Anjelika Strážneho... Ďakujeme...

Tak Všetko len to Najlepšie Hippinko Náš.......

Believe it or not, it has been a YEAR since our Hippie was born...
We are celebrating his First Birthday today !
Our cute, little, long eared, always hungry
a bit foolish and not always obedient
Hippie has grown ... or extended his body
horizontally especially ;-)
He is still the same old daft little puppy,
careless of any dangers and following strangers happily
who is teaching us
the meaning of Love everyday
and who has become
our Friend for Life...

P.S. We have celebrated his Re- Birth
on the 25th of February too...
He had a " bit " of an accident...
He slipped and fell from an equivalent of 3rd floor
straight into the arms of his very own
Guardian Angel...
It was a miracle... and we will never
stop feeling grateful for it...

Well, Happiest Of Birthdays to You, Hippie Hugs...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Bday Hippie:)).
    Glad he is ok after the slip!

    And he got BIG!! Wow, only in one year.
    Warmest hugs to all of you:)
