Monday 1 February 2010

Dreams DO come True

Dnes je Pampúšikov Veľký Deň !
Prvý Dník v novej Vysnívanej Robotke !
Všetkým Vám čo robíte dnes prvý krok k dosiahnutiu svojich cieľov a Snov ,
a hlavne Tebe Pampúšik môj,
držíme silno presilno palce a vieme, že to zvládneš - zvládnete najlepšie ako sa len dá...

Pampúšik ľúbime Ťa a cez éter posielame obrovský Hug.

Today is a very special Day !
First Day at work for our very specially close friend Pampushik !
Her dream of this job is just in its very first steps...but already happenning

For all of You Out there, doing your very first steps today,
whether they be literally walking steps or working climbs or...

all the bestest Best and May all go as dreamt...

...because Dreams can and shall and do come TRUE

1 comment:

  1. Wow, all the best to Pampushik! Hopefully all went well on the so important First Day:).

